I did it. I can't believe it. This was something I wasn't sure I should have taken on in the beginning. I organized a fine arts & craft fair... and nothing exploded, imploded, or went horribly wrong.
Yes. It was a tiny bit stressful at times (mostly my fault... over-thinking does that) but for the most part, I think this is something I would definitely do again. I would do a lot of things differently, which is part of any new experience. What systems work for one, don't necessarily work for other people (or me).
I had a great team of people supporting me, from graphics, to website help, to the jurying process, to the actual fair day set-up and layout. Amazing. This isn't something I would suggest doing alone. Ever. No matter what. Even if this is your full time job, which it was not for me. This was something extra I did on the side, because I wanted to make the event successful.
I still have a few loose ends to tie up from the show, but for the most part I am finished. I feel amazing that I followed through on this and didn't mess it up, but I also feel happy that it's over and done with. *Big Sigh*