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Jun 5, 2013

20th Annual Fishkill Fine Arts and Craft Fair Recap

I did it. I can't believe it. This was something I wasn't sure I should have taken on in the beginning. I organized a fine arts & craft fair... and nothing exploded, imploded, or went horribly wrong.

Yes. It was a tiny bit stressful at times (mostly my fault... over-thinking does that) but for the most part, I think this is something I would definitely do again. I would do a lot of things differently, which is part of any new experience. What systems work for one, don't necessarily work for other people (or me).

discontinued monsters at Knot By Gran'ma
Photo credit: Marilyn at Pulp Sushi
I had a great team of people supporting me, from graphics, to website help, to the jurying process, to the actual fair day set-up and layout. Amazing. This isn't something I would suggest doing alone. Ever. No matter what. Even if this is your full time job, which it was not for me. This was something extra I did on the side, because I wanted to make the event successful.

The Tailored Mermaid
The Tailored Mermaid - Photo credit: Marilyn at Pulp Sushi
I still have a few loose ends to tie up from the show, but for the most part I am finished. I feel amazing that I followed through on this and didn't mess it up, but I also feel happy that it's over and done with. *Big Sigh*

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