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Jan 5, 2011

January Giveaway!

The giveaways are back!  It's a new year, and here's a new giveaway!  Get yourself a fancy $10 credit at the Knot By Gran'ma shop.

Giveaway brought to you by Peebler monster...
How do I enter, you ask?  Well, it's very easy.  Just leave a comment.  Make sure I can find you somehow via email or a blog or whatever.  I'll be choosing a winner via on January 30th, so just enter before I do that.  The winner will receive the secret coupon code to use on any item in the shop.  Easy as pie, no?  (Mmm... pie.)

Official Rules:

No purchase necessary to enter.
You are responsible for any taxes that might be incurred upon winning this giveaway.
