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Feb 10, 2011

Penguin Pattern Designing Isn't Half Bad...

This is the little bit that I accomplished this morning amongst the Dr. Destructo attention giving.  He will be an emperor penguin once he's all done.  I'm not sure if a bow tie will be involved with this penguin... I know it's been done.

inspirational drawing
penguin wip
There was a little yoga and eating thrown in there too.  Nothing like getting to pause your morning yoga video to change (at warp speed mind you...) and emergency diaper explosion.  I can't wait for the potty training to begin... June 13th is the day!  The day after our cruise ends.

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  1. Fun stuff. :) Penguins were actually my high school mascot.

  2. Nice. We were stuck with an elephant. I've always been partial to penguins...

  3. ooooh, I love the penguin! I can't wait to see it crocheted up.

    Happy Fiber Arts Friday!


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