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Sep 19, 2011

Maker Faire 2011 Wrap Up

Yesterday was the final day of the Maker Faire in Queens yesterday. I had the lovely privilege to be one of the vendors under the Bust Craftacular tent. (This is all information I should have blogged about before the event but was too busy getting ready to do so.) The weather was nice, and we (Jackie and I) had a blast driving down to Queens... the nice part of having a cop-pilot/pal who helps you laugh at your driving shortcomings without yelling at you for potentially killing everyone. We were following Judy and her husband over at JSWMetalWorks, but got separated over the Whitestone due to a lack of an Easy Pass on my part.

display setup with jackie sitting behind the tentacle ballet monster

close-up of the display
Sales were lower for me than I had hoped for... but these are the risks of doing shows. You never know how the crowd is going to be. I handed out probably close to 200 business cards, which reminds me that I have to buy more business cards.

My favorite was the guy who was like (in a thick Bronx accent) that doll is actually forty bucks? Holy cow! etc, etc, etc... he almost had a heart attack when he saw the price of my Tentacle Ballet Monster. We had a nice chuckle over that one. 

sweet maker faire editor's choice ribbon surrounded by lady fab dolls
The finale was when some head Maker peeps (sorry if you're reading this... I didn't catch your names) came up to the booth, and took some pictures while also giving me this sweet Editor's Choice ribbon. That was amazing and I'm honored at the thought of it all. I also haven't won a ribbon since I was in 5th grade when I helped win a race by diving for the finish line... so yay!

There was also a lady that stepped back and yelled a little when she saw my work close up. I thought she might cry, but it would have been an I love that kind of crying. That was also awesome.

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  1. Always hard to tell what will happen at fairs for sure but it's still great that you had a good experience, got yourself out there and handed out tons of business cards. Very awesome.

  2. Jess,
    Your booth looks great! Sorry to hear that you didn't get the sales that you would have liked, but at least you had a good time and got a prize! Wonder what the crowd was buying - did Judy have a good show?


  3. I'm not sure if they were buying... it didn't seem like anyone was killing it. I'm not sure how Judy did, but it sure was nice to see her!

  4. Congratulations on your ribbon! That's so cool! And your display looked great, it is tricky especially when you work with a nitsch product but you never know what may come of it. :)


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