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Feb 10, 2012

Hardly Deep Thoughts

i fear i may have looked like this all week

Blogging every day is hard.

My to-do lists are out of control.


Agamemnon is cute but will chew on the butt part of a cat butt if it falls on the floor. You will then have to wrestle him for it.

cat butt thief... do not believe the cute

Monsters are great.

Comics take more than a day's planning.

A little write up on Laughing Squid will make your sales go through the roof for a few days (THANKS!).

I do not finish most things.

My new mantra is, "I will be mostly awesome today."

Pinterest is killing me... in a good way.

I have to reorganize my house and business spaces.

Dr. Destructo is sucking the life out of me, making me laugh, and then repeating this on a moment to moment basis.

also do not believe the cute

My SQUARE reader saved more than a few sales for me this week.

I need more yoga daily.

I am far from perfect... and it is okay, but I don't always believe the it is okay part.

It is better than sliced bread that Hubs finally learned how to text... and is enjoying it. SO. MUCH. EASIER!

There was a tent in my living room for 3 days... and dinosaurs.

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  1. Oh my gosh! He is adorable. I just want to squish him! <3

  2. Cute featherless biped and quadruped. You ARE mostly awesome.

  3. I may need to borrow your mantra. It really is a wonderful way to think about each day as it gives us a positive challenge but wiggle room as well.

    1. The wiggle room is the key... also knowing you can always try again tomorrow.

  4. Jess, I've been missing you, so good to see you back at Andrea's FAF! I love your post, so funny, that list is hysterical! Cute projects as always!

    1. It's nice to be back... I've missed reading about all the great yarn and fiber adventures.

  5. haha, I completely understand your week including the tent with dinosaurs. Here's hoping for a calmer weekend and yes, Pinterest is sucking all of my time too. I stayed away from it all week and was beyond productive.

    1. The weekend has been much quieter... and I'm on a strict Pinterest diet of no more than 10 minutes in the morning.

  6. hahaha Cat Butt Thief... The Cat Butts still make me laugh.

    Breath in, Breath out, enjoy the tent in the living room. :-)

    1. Enjoying it while it lasts... went by so quickly with Kiddo.

  7. Enjoy your little 'monsters'...crocheted and otherwise. One day, you will be reading a blog like this and realize, as I just did, that it's been YEARS since there were blanket tents in the dining room and sharp-edged plastic animals underfoot. :(

    1. Yes. Totally cherishing each and every insane moment.

  8. Ha, what a funny read this was. I love it! Cat butt thief is my favourite, pugs are adorable!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it... about sums up my days lately.

  9. Hahaha, I got SOOO confused when I saw "butts" on your To Do list until I kept reading. I hope you get a moment to relax!! :)

  10. Even without two little ones, I only do about a third of what you do!! You are doing great! Cool monster!

  11. Your house sounds like a crazy fun place. Love your pug and I do not believe the pug's cute lies all the time too. Great monsters!

    1. It's fun here... MOSTLY. I don't trust the pug at all. Come to think of it, I don't trust Dr. Destructo either.


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