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May 30, 2012

Swell Long Weekend

crochet + ukulele = love
crochet + ukulele = love

cleaning the boat
cleaning the boat

new kbg model
new kbg model

Dear self... you are a dork. #kidslunch
dear self... you are a dork #kidslunch

The best part of waking up, is monsters by your cup... (thanks for the tune, Folgers.)
The best part of waking up, is monsters by your cup... (thanks for the tune, Folgers.)
last day of monsters and cozies before sunday's show
last day of monsters and cozies before sunday's show


  1. I love the monsters & coffee shot! I'd probably freak a little if I saw them before I'd had a few sips, but I suppose you're used to it.

    1. Yes. Crocheted monsters don't phase me (or anyone else in the house) anymore. They're everywhere and we've all come to accept that as our normal. Hahaha!

  2. I too love the monsters and coffee shot! Have fun at the craft fair this weekend.

  3. Excellent photos (and lunch is always important). Yay for monsters!!!

    1. Thanks. I've been playing around with the phone camera... still impresses me with what it can do.


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