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Mar 29, 2013

Losing the Work Week to Yourself

This week was kind of a bust for me. I knit up a swatch. That was about it. I plan on blocking the swatch today... catching up on housework, and getting my hands in the dirt.

Knit swatch for a sweater by Knot By Gran'ma
The swatch that I knit up... it's such a nice yarn.
I was a little down on myself for doing so little at first. I am happy to report that I do not feel that way right now. Firstly, it was spring break, and I had the kids both here... all week. Kids want to do kid stuff... not work stuff. This is a fact. Also, the past few weeks have been extra difficult in general. My medication is somewhat off maybe, and it really affects what I can and cannot handle. This is in the process of being fixed. I am okay with this, because it is what I have to do. I have come to peace with the fact that I probably will have to take some sort of pill for the rest of my life. I will have to work my booty off (I have no booty anyway) to keep on track. Yoga, meditation, Chakra work, counseling, and the many (many, many, many, many) other tools are helping. It's hard work. It takes forever. I hate it at times and want to scream. I'm pretty sure I'm cool with it. I'd just rather it not disrupt EVERYTHING when my health goes awry (or so often on this roller coaster of uber-not-fun).

Agamemnon the pug
I wish I had some beautiful piece to show you all. Instead, I'm going to just keep taking care of myself and hope that next week's accomplishments blow this week's out of the water. In the meantime... here's my bunny pug, Agamemnon (My bunny wouldn't sit still for a picture. He's kind of a jerk sometimes.).


  1. Awwww Aggie! :) And I'm glad you got over it, you deserve to have a week of no work just like anyone else.

  2. Hope you start to feel more grounded soon. I'm catching up on my blogroll and read that smokey quartz is really helpful for grounding - I've been really drawn to mine lately, I suspect for this same reason. :)

    Also: pug love! Adorable.


    1. I just cleared my smokey quartz. I keep picking it up and putting it down, so I'm going there unconsciously at least. :)


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