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Jun 27, 2013

Slow Food Slow Down

It was a slow day here yesterday, which was nice, because I was feeling a little exhausted. One of those mental and physical exhaustion that leaves you in danger of falling asleep in your soup and then snarfing some of it as you jolt awake. That's tired. So I slowed down.

Snow Peas... not enough for anything
Only enough for snacking.
I sat in my garden and weeded. I picked some snow peas (or snap peas... whatever you call them), and I futzed around. Hubs cut some garlic scapes, and I ended the night making a sugar free strawberry jam. It kind of tastes like rhubarb to me, but I made it with strawberries. Go figure. It's good. 

garlic scapes for cooking
Chopped up and placed into the freezer for future use in cooking adventures.

Hot, molten, strawberry jam magma
Hot, molten, strawberry jam magma
It was nice. I'm not fighting myself as hard to slow down. (If you're thinking this isn't slow... well, for me it's really slow. Work with me.) I need to take care of myself and the rest will fall into place. It's easier on all of us this way, and hopefully we can pass this sort of thinking down to the kidlets... 'cause we know they're listening.

What do you do when you need to slow down? Do you have a go to "thing" that you do? Do you think it helps?

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