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Jun 24, 2013

Another Start Before the Finish

I had another idea for an art piece over the weekend. I was simply going to jot the idea down to have for later, but then I started a piece of it. I'm horrible when it comes to this sort of thing, because I already have 3 other things going that NEED TO BE FINISHED (Ocean Motif Pattern, New Website, Lady Monster Doll). I still started a piece of it. I'm sharing the one picture I have here of it only so I don't forget to finish this when I will have started something else before finishing this piece. It's a vicious cycle, really.

Crocheted start of another art piece by Knot By Gran'ma
Start of another art piece... what is this?

In other news, the kids start camp today. Well technically, Dr. Destructo starts tomorrow and only goes 2 days a week for a few hours but... whatever. I'm working with an entirely new schedule, as there are swimming lessons thrown in and last minute beach trips. I love the summer.

lazy beach days with the boys
Digging a circle pool at the lake

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