This blog has moved! Please visit the new Knot By Gran'ma website and follow my blog with Bloglovin or sign up for the newsletter.

Jul 25, 2013

Goodbye Blogger, Hello New Website

Today is the last day that I will post on Blogger. Sniff, sniff, sniff. I'm not really sad, rather more excited, as it means bigger and better things!

My new site, Knot By Gran'ma, is action packed with blogging, crochet patterns/monsters/butts for sale, an affiliate program (so you can make some cash too!), advertising opportunities, and a plethora of other things I can't think of right now because my brain is numb from computer work. Apparently, artists are not always computer people. 

Follow Knot By Gran'ma's new site on Bloglovin

You can follow my new blogging adventures over at Bloglovin if you'd like (I love the arsty-fartsy-ness of this picture. Got it at Bloglovin!). Or you can keep up with Knot By Gran'ma through the newsletter
