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Jun 21, 2010

A Dress, Hot Soccer, and Some Cake

In case you were wondering... absolutely no crochet work was accomplished over the weekend.  Not the way I'd like to do it, but this is what happens when you have little people that want to do things and family events to attend. 

Luckily I did get a bit of crochet time in Friday night before I passed out due to insane lady exhaustion.  Here's what I've got... the bottom of Alice's dress is now roughly formed out.  Obviously there's quite a bit more to go with it, but considering the size 10 crochet cotton, I'm very impressed with the speed at which this part was finished.  The rest will be cake.

 For instance, soccer tournaments take up a giant chunk of your Saturday.  We stood out in an open field for 3 hours watching these kids play their little soccer hearts out.  It was full of drama and excitement... and laughing parents.  We really had a great group this year.  Our little team managed to become tournament champions for the 2nd time in a row!  They were very happy, although a tad tuckered out and warm.  There wasn't a lick of shade to be found... good thing they're young and awesome.

 Speaking of cake... look what I made for my FIL's birthday/father's day celebration.  It's a chocolate angel food cake with sugar glaze and fresh strawberries.  It was delicious, and a good start to the summer.

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