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Sep 2, 2011

Eyeball Panic Mom Style

According to my Twitter stream the past few days, there was an incident of missing eyeball making supplies. I ripped things apart, panicked that I left them at the last craft show and even searched Hub's truck (which I drove to the craft show...). No luck until I looked right next to the couch that I sit on every night. They were right there, neatly stashed in a plastic bag.

I spent the majority of last night making these babies up. Well, first I messed them up and almost cried. Then I fixed them and went to bed way too late.

I had waited to do all this work until last night because during the day I was busy doing mom stuff and canning tomatoes. I may get another batch out of the garden. Cross your fingers. It's been a craptacular year for tomatoes. They've all been cracked or filled with giant bottom rot spots. Thanks Mother Nature.

We also took a trip to the local orchard/farm. Here's some of the critters we got to see before the kids (there were 6!) got us moms to the point of let's just go.

I also got a new phone... which I love. I've been taking lots and lots of pictures using Instagram. You can follow me there under knotbygranma. That's why some of them are all old fashioned looking. Love it!

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  1. The Instagram photos are so much fun!!

  2. Yes, a phone with good camera means more photos to blog. Hooray for technology! The eyeballs are cute. I hope your Etsy shop is doing good.


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