Let me start with I GOT TO GO ALL BY MYSELF. Hubs took the kiddies for the day (even to an 8 year old's birthday party with Dr. Destructo in tow). I happily jumped into his truck and off up the Taconic I went... making sure not to speed too much or burn out Hub's clutch.
This was the first booth I saw... and I think I took this same picture last year too. Although, last year's came out blurry I think. I was looking for yarn to make this fingering weight crochet shrug and these guys fit the bill. I just didn't have enough dollar bills in my pocket to get the yardage I needed on top of the yarn for the other projects I planned out.
The first purchase was this lovely sock yarn from Hudson Valley Sheep and Wool Company. The woman there was so super friendly and answered all my silly toe up sock yarn questions with a smile. I'll be using this yarn for some sort of version of these socks. I'm thinking I might fare better with the toe up socks. The cuff down socks bore me to tears.
I also bought this cool yarn from Steam Valley Fiber Farm. It's going to turn into this pattern. This will probably be the first thing I make once my old sock knitting pattern is finished... the one I'm bored with.
The final yarn I bought (in the last flippin' place I looked... and I looked at everything) is this nice DK weight yarn for the T Shirt Sweater. It's from Brooks Farm Yarn. I don't know if I have the skills yet to tackle this one, but I'm going to try.... probably after the other 2 projects.
So that was the yarnage I managed to nab. I brought a list that seemed to attract some attention every time I pulled it out to check the yardage and whatnot. It was fun. I talked to some really nice people (blushing the entire time) and probably made an ass of myself. It was great.
This beautiful bunny was my all time favorite animal there too. Look how adorable and fluffy he is. I'd grab one up in an instant if I already didn't have a bunny, had time to care for him, and knew how to spin fiber into yarn. :) I'd call him Captain Charisma too... after one of my favorite wrestlers. Yup... just typed that out loud. Awesome.
Subscribe to the Newsletter! This was the first booth I saw... and I think I took this same picture last year too. Although, last year's came out blurry I think. I was looking for yarn to make this fingering weight crochet shrug and these guys fit the bill. I just didn't have enough dollar bills in my pocket to get the yardage I needed on top of the yarn for the other projects I planned out.
The first purchase was this lovely sock yarn from Hudson Valley Sheep and Wool Company. The woman there was so super friendly and answered all my silly toe up sock yarn questions with a smile. I'll be using this yarn for some sort of version of these socks. I'm thinking I might fare better with the toe up socks. The cuff down socks bore me to tears.
I also bought this cool yarn from Steam Valley Fiber Farm. It's going to turn into this pattern. This will probably be the first thing I make once my old sock knitting pattern is finished... the one I'm bored with.
The final yarn I bought (in the last flippin' place I looked... and I looked at everything) is this nice DK weight yarn for the T Shirt Sweater. It's from Brooks Farm Yarn. I don't know if I have the skills yet to tackle this one, but I'm going to try.... probably after the other 2 projects.
So that was the yarnage I managed to nab. I brought a list that seemed to attract some attention every time I pulled it out to check the yardage and whatnot. It was fun. I talked to some really nice people (blushing the entire time) and probably made an ass of myself. It was great.
This beautiful bunny was my all time favorite animal there too. Look how adorable and fluffy he is. I'd grab one up in an instant if I already didn't have a bunny, had time to care for him, and knew how to spin fiber into yarn. :) I'd call him Captain Charisma too... after one of my favorite wrestlers. Yup... just typed that out loud. Awesome.
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I am now suffering from yarn envy! :)