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Apr 10, 2013

Work in Progress Wednesday: Monsters and Legs

It's been some time since I have had anything to show you for these posts. My world kind of got flippy for a little bit, there was some (ahem) adjusting, and I had to take care of myself. I didn't know it at the time, but it was worth it. I'm feeling much better... and better yet, CROCHETING IS HAPPENING!

Crochet Lady WIP... where are my pants? by Knot By Gran'ma
Where are my pants? 

Here's my Lady Monster. She still is unfinished and just stares with her haunting eyes... If she could talk, she'd be like, "what the F? Finish me already." But monster dolls can't talk, and I'm getting to her. One thing (alright... 4-5 things) at a time.

Froggy Mini Monster WIP by Knot By Gran'ma
Gonna catch some flies... once my tongue is sewn on.

I'm also playing around with my mini monsters. I love them. I wish they would sell faster/more often/better. I think I will add a pocket to a few, maybe a painted name banner (?), maybe some other "accessories". This guy is getting a tongue and a pocket. That's where I'm going with him. He screams FROGGY MONSTER. Kiddo said pockets on the monsters would be awesome, and he's 10, so he knows what's best for these things.

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