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Sep 4, 2012

Let it Rain, Let it Thunder, I've a Plan to Fix my Home

We moved in this house about 6 years ago. At the time I had this wild notion that I should have a bright purple bedroom (barf), haven't touched the 60's kitchen really, have a bathroom that screams, "please throw up as you look at this hideous wallpaper!"... and just the dire need to repaint EVERYTHING. It's a little daunting and overwhelming.

The main problem that is slowing things (aside from the lack of money to just overhaul everything... good thing I'm crafty) is the 6 years of clutter and mess that is also EVERYWHERE. Clutter is loud to me, distracting, and makes it hard for me to concentrate. That is job number 1. I'm slowly formulating a totally cheap, wicked awesome, and TOTAL house makeover... including an amazing craft studio/closet. I'm pretty psyched.

I'm formulating a house palette and style over on Pinterest. It's names "End of Summer Inspiration," because I couldn't come up with anything cool. I only have a few things in there so far. I want my house to SCREAM charming yet simple cottage, with a splash of beautiful color here and there... farmhouse (it's a ranch). 

rustic brick path on pinterest
rustic brick path on pinterest
Pinterest is a double edged sword for me. There's the greatness of being able to accumulate a collection of inspiring photos in one place, but also the time-suck issue. I'm too busy to get lost on Pinterest. It's getting budgeted in... 10 minutes a day at a time. I do have monsters to make, you know. I get extra time if I finish all of my jobs for the day. Yay! I also get ice cream. Double-yay!

kochia hill at hitachi seaside park on pinterest
kochia hill at hitachi seaside park on pinterest

Who am I kidding? I get ice cream anyway. (That's a perk of being a grown-up, kids.)

thankful tree on pinterest
thankful tree on pinterest

So anyway, I'm sharing this out loud, because if I do, I have to do it. (Smart.) Send me your ideas if you feel incline over on Pinterest. If it fits in with "my vision", I'll be sure to repin the wonderfulness. What do you get in return? I'll be able to concentrate better and make more awesome monsters that rock your universe. Pretty fair deal if you ask me...


  1. I like the direction you are going with your pinterest board. I love Cottage/Cozy vibe and hopefully if I ever own a home, I can pull off the same. My problem is I like TOO many styles.

  2. Ooh, I hear you on the Pinterest Time Suck issue. I'm in a recovery group for it now. "Hello, my name is Jan and I'm addicted to pretty pictures."

  3. Marilyn - I hear you about too many styles. I think that was my problem originally... that and too many hand-me-downs that don't go with each other!

    Jan - This is why I have a strict 10 minutes of pinning a day!!!


Thanks for reading. Please share your thoughts with me. I love reading them!
