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Mar 20, 2013

Creating a Community: New to Me Blogs

Building community is a constant in my life these days. I am craving cheesecake like-minded people. I can't read enough, write enough, draw enough, crochet enough content which follows along with my thought patterns. Some days my life is falling down around me, and I'm finding I'm still fighting to get it all in. I need it. I'm happy to crawl out of my hobbit hole to be around other people who are living on a wavelength I can connect with. Engaging in conversations (while still terrifying... especially in front of crowds more than one person) is starting to become something I'm doing, even if I want to throw up from my nerves. I'm sticking my foot in my mouth a lot, but I'm trying. I'm also learning how to talk to people... you know in person... without cutting them off a zillion times... and at reasonable speeds. Community building is changing me. I hope it's for the better.

Creating a community and learning how to talk to people
Muzzled by Jess Schleicher

That being said, I'm going to share with you some potential virtual community peeps. The demise of Google Reader and luckily stumbling across the Totally Awesome Blog Hop, has opened up some sort of blog worm hole that I need to immerse myself into. Here are a few that I found myself completely enjoying today.

Creating a Community Crochet Chakra Doll by Knot By Gran'ma
Crochet Chakra Doll

The first is Dave from The Fresh Rag... particularly this post, The Wake Up Call. Please note that the video clip has some a lot of foul language, so don't click it if you don't care for that sort of thing. This is a wonderful post on doing what you are passionate about. I relate to this, but you all know it, because you've been reading along. Pulp Sushi's Marilyn, had him as a guest writer today... thus the community builds.

This ideal runs into my next blog... Live Well and Breathe's Positive Energy. There is a shift going on in the universe. I believe it. I had chills while reading this post. The connections in this one blog post for my own personal and creative well being are so intense, that I've bookmarked it to re-read a few more times to completely digest all of the good. Meggs' post led me to human design on East 80, and let's just leave it at I'm intrigued to say the least. This is the community I want to surround myself with. Finding others who are able to teach/learn/read along with is invaluable.


  1. Maybe one day we can have a Hudson Valey Blog Meetup (???) - this is a far, far, faaaaar fetched idea lol!

    1. Eh... it would be pretty cool if we could pull it off. Need to get more bloggers though!

    2. That's the thing, I don't know too many in this area. =/

  2. <3 I'm so honoured, truly. Thank you for this.



Thanks for reading. Please share your thoughts with me. I love reading them!
